Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Solve one problem......

run into another.

ATM I have again run into a problem with the eBook Reader alpha. While I was able to get the file system library working last night, I have now run into a problem reading the text from a file on the flash card. Seems that the loop used to read in the file is not stopping. For some reason it just keeps reading indefinitely for some reason. I can't tell if this is a NDS programming or C problem. I am currently hunting for answers online and at the PALib forums. I will also be talking to one of the programers I work with about it. He has a lot of C programming experience, so he might have an idea of the problem and how to fix it.

So that's it for today. Tomorrow I go into work, so I will not have time to work on the project. Expect an update no earlier then Thursday afternoon unless I find a fix and get it working sometime tomorrow.